Bullied, Ignored, or Excluded: Are you struggling? You feel people are mean, and you tried your best but cannot develop friendships with others: an IMWELL Education Consultant will work one-on-one with you. We will work together to deconstruct your experiences and problem solve on steps you can take to improve your confidence, promote mental health, and build meaningful friendships at school and in your community. Anxiety and depression: Are you struggling? You feel sad and anxious but are not sure why? Work-one-on-one with an IMWELL Education Consultant who will help you navigate your feelings, share your experiences and strategies that will promote mental health and your confidence. School Achievement: If you are looking to improve your grades at school/college/university—an IMWELL Education Consultant will work one-on-one. We will work together to improve your school/college/university success to boost your confidence and help with strategies that work! Muslim Students: if you are struggling with bullying, racism, language barriers, mental health, school achievement, education and career choices, assimilating—trying to fit in, wondering if you should or not. An IMWELL Education Consultant will work with you to boost your confidence, promote mental health, and navigate the challenges of being Muslim in a public school, college or university. This program provides you with the education you will carry forward in your life to become an exemplary professional.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app