Learning Challenges
Tutors caring for your mental and social-emotional wellness
LDMH: A Handbook on Learning Disabilities And Mental Health (2016), written by Integra, funded by Ontario's Ministry of Children and Youth Services, reference the following excerpts
· "We know that persons with LDs are two to three times more likely to experience mental health challenges (Wilson et al., 2009) and more school drop-outs."
· "When it is hard to 'show what you know,' it is understandable that we might see higher rates of school-related stress (Sparks & Lovett, 2009)."
At IMWELL, we are cognizant of the mental and social-emotional challenges students endure while working with an LD—we value the wealth of knowledge and care that organizations such as LDMH are putting forward. Our goal is to utilize diverse resources and work with your school and community partners to support you in filling your learning gaps.